Happy new 2025, a new publication from In2Sight
The publication “A 3D millifluidic model of a dermal perivascular microenvironment on a chip”, by Chiara Martinelli et al., appeared on 6th January 2025 on “Lab on a chip” is the result of a collaboration between polimi and unimib teams of the In2Sight project. Dermal perivascular microenvironment on a chip. The model of the skin is experimentally reproduced in vitro within the miniaturizedoptically accessible bioreactor’s (MOAB), carrying the microstructures used in the In2Sight technology. All details at the publisher link. …
End-of-2024 publication from In2Sight
A publication just appeared on Optics Express as a result of the research ongoing at the Polimi and UNIMIB groups. High dioptric power micro-lenses fabricated by two-photon polymerization. Behjat S. Kariman, Alessandra Nardini, Mario Marini, Pablo Roldán-Varona, Claudio Conci, Manuela T. Raimondi, Roberto Osellame, Giulio Cerullo, Giuseppe Chirico, and Rebeca Martínez Vázquez. Opt. Express 32(27), 48114-48131 (2024) We design, fabricate, and test a single micro-optical element with high dioptric power and high NA (up to 1.25 in water). The dioptric power and magnification of the microlenses were quantified over a 200 × 200 µm aberration-free field of view. Our results indicate that these …
New exciting video from IN2SIGHT partners
Unimib and Polimi have recently published video on their activity in IN2SIGHT. You can find them also on our youtube channel …
An exciting new publication from IN2SIGHT in 2024
Published early in 2024, the work on “In vivo label-free tissue histology thorugh a microstructured imaging window” appeared in APL Bioengineering. An exaple of the potentiality of non-linear excitation microscopy in the IN2SIGHT niche to single out different types of cells in vivo without the need of staining. Full reference: In vivo label-free tissue histology through a microstructured imaging window Conci, C., Sironi, L., Jacchetti, E., …Chirico, G., Raimondi, M.T.APL Bioengineering, 2024, 8(1), 016102 …
Nov. 2023: In2Sight publish in vivo validation
A publication on APL Bioengineering from In2Sight. “In vivo label-free tissue histology through a microstructured imaging window”, accepted on APL Bioengineering (6 nov 2023). Figure shows the comparison of the H&E staining of tisse within the Atlas to the confocal and two-photon images, to identify red blood cells and granulocytes in the Atlas. …
In2Sight at congresses in 2023
In2Sight has been present at the following congresses in 2023. for a full list please refer to this file. …
New publications from In2Sight Consortium
Two new publications have been recently published from the In2Sight partners from IESL of FORTH. A review on two-photon polymerization(TPL) for Optics and Photonics at Advanced Functional Materials: This work (reachable at this link) reviews the recent progress in the TPL related optical research: it starts with the fundamentals of TPL and material formulation, then discusses novel fabrication methods, and a wide range of optical applications. A research work on high-resolution 3D printed scaffolds for cell studies at Results in Materials: This study (reachable at this link) highlights the possibility to successfully use widely-available, low cost 3dprinters for high-resolution scaffold fabrication while maintaining cell culture compatibility for biomedical applications. …
New publication in Advanced Functional Materials
Our new open access article was just published in Advanced Functional Materials! “Microlenses Fabricated by Two-Photon Laser Polymerization for Cell Imaging with Non-Linear Excitation Microscopy“ Authored by: M. Marini, A. Nardini, R. Martínez Vázquez, C. Conci, M. Bouzin, M. Collini, R. Osellame, G. Cerullo, B. S. Kariman, M. Farsari, E. Kabouraki, M. T. Raimondi, G. Chirico This article shows for the first time that it is possible to use the microfabricated lenses to efficiently induce non linear excitation and collect two-photon excitation images from cells with the same level of laser intensity & similar signal to noise ratio. This is the result of a collaborative work from the In2Sight consortium led by Prof. Giuseppe Chirico:🔸 Università degli …
In2sight at congresses in 2022
In2Sight has been present at several international dissemination events. We list hereafter a few of them. 1. Miniaturized optically accessible bioreactor for 3d vascularised tissue regeneration models. C. Martinelli, C. Conci, E. Jacchetti, G. Cerullo, R. Osellame, G. Chirico, M.T. Raimondi, 27th, congress of the european Society of Biomechanics, June26-29, 2022, Porto Portugal. 2. Development of a combined experimental/computational model of tissue regeneration in the miniaturized optically accessible bioreactor (MOAB). C. Martinelli, C. Conci, E.Jacchetti, G. Cerullo, R. Osellame, G. Chirico, M.T. Raimondi, 9th World congress of biomechanics, 10-14 July 2022 Tapei 3 .A miniaturized chip for 3D optical imaging …
New publication from In2Sight consortium
we are excited to share our new preprint at bioRxiv!“Microlenses fabricated by two-photon laser polymerisation for intravital cell imaging with non-linear excitation microscopy“ This is the results of more than 6 months of collaborative work from In2Sight partners: socials: Linkedin, twitter …